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Life and Motivational Success Coaching.
Helping Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Athletes, Moms, and Young Adults
LiveDriven with Jenn

Jennifer Martinez
Feb 13, 2023
Welcome to LiveDriven
Thank you for subscribing to "LiveDriven with Jenn", I look forward to providing motivational content for you! The goal is to provide...

Jennifer Martinez
Oct 9, 2023
WORK while you WAIT
Tony Robichaux said it best. You gotta WORK while you WAIT. While he was primarily talking about sports, life works the same way. Just...

Jennifer Martinez
Mar 29, 2023
You can't WIN without the WORK
WINNERS put in WORK. Period. Bottom Line. Winners work. Name a winner that you know that did NOT put in the work to get where they are....

Jennifer Martinez
Mar 8, 2023
Become YOUR version of successful
Become YOUR version of successful. There’s a reason the word YOUR is highlighted. Because it's whatever success looks like to YOU. So...

Jennifer Martinez
Feb 22, 2023
You can either Get BITTER, or Get BETTER
My high school basketball coach was one of toughest, yet one of the best. I can't count the number of trophies that lined the halls and...

Jennifer Martinez
Feb 20, 2023
Focus on your timeline, not theirs
Do you ever see someone who is where you want to be in life, and wonder not only how they got there, but how they got there so much...

Jennifer Martinez
Feb 16, 2023
Sometimes the "NO" we get is more valuable than the "YES"we want.
In a perfect world no would tell us NO, right? We would all get the dream job we wanted, accepted to the college we wanted, get the guy...

Jennifer Martinez
Apr 11, 2018
Your life is a Mosaic
Have you ever seen those beautiful Mosaics? The ones that are put together piece by piece with colorful pieces of broken tile, stone, or...
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