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LiveDriven with Jenn 

Writer's pictureJennifer Martinez

WORK while you WAIT

Tony Robichaux said it best. You gotta WORK while you WAIT.

While he was primarily talking about sports, life works the same way. Just because you're working hard doesn’t mean your guaranteed an opportunity to showcase your skills right away. Sometimes you gotta wait your turn, but while your waiting, you better be working.

The problem is nowadays we can almost always get instant gratification, and access to whatever we want at the drop of a hat. Because of that, it's made many of us impatient. And when we get impatient we pout about it.

The short and sweet of it is, your not always always going to be the best at whatever you do. You may leave one job for another, get there, and realize that there are other people that do what you do, and maybe even do it better than you. The same goes for sports. You may leave one team where you were the best, and then get to another team where everybody is just as good as you, if not better.

So what are you gonna do when you realize your gonna have to be patient and wait your turn? You got two choices, you can work while you wait, or you can pout and bow out. You keep working while you’re waiting for your next promotion, or your next raise at work! You keep working while you’re waiting to move up in the lineup on your team! Just WORK! But if you decided pout instead, you might as well bow out, cause if your pouting, you ain't workin, and if you ain't workin, your even further away from where you started.

Life will always put you in situations where you're going to have wait your turn. What you choose to do while your waiting will determine what happens when it's your time to shine.


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